My mind attracts amazing opportunities
Today is a beautiful day
I am happy and full of joy
I attract abundance and wonderful things
I am surrounded by beautiful people
Positivity shines from my being
Every moment is a fresh start
My dreams are unfolding beautifully!
The universe fulfills my desires.
Love effortlessly finds me always!
Joy overflows within me daily
Love and respect are in me
I am successful in all I do
Happiness is my default state
My confidence knows no limits
I radiate positivity always
Success gravitates towards me
. Challenges are growth opportunities
I choose peace and calmness
Today, I create miracles
My potential is infinite
Every day brings success
I am a positivity magnet
Fear is only a feeling
I deserve to be happy
I am so happy today
I am delighted to to be alive
My life is filled with joy and good energy
I am delighted to to be alive
I am getting happier and happier each and every day
I choose to be happy no matter what happens
Happiness radiates through my body
My happiness is contagious to those around me
I attract happy people into my life
I am grateful to be happy and alive right now
Living happy is my natural state of being
My mind is filled with happy thoughts
I am a happy and loving person.

Would you like to attract more abundance, love, success, a better job, good health, and positive energy into your life?

If So, You Must Try Effective I am Daily Affirmations:
A Pathway to Transformation

I am Daily Affirmations is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.
Try it for free!

"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so"

— William Shakespeare

Why does it work?

Imagine a flurry of 45,000 to 51,000 thoughts swirling through your mind in the span of a single day. It's as if your brain were hosting its own vibrant festival, buzzing with 150 to 300 ideas every minute. Fascinating isn't it? Yet, there's a catch - a staggering 80 percent of these thoughts tend to be negative for most people.

But don't let this discourage you. There's a powerful tool that can help you transform this whirlwind of negativity into a soothing zephyr of positivity – affirmations.

What is affirmation?

Affirmations are like the gentle strokes of an artist's brush on the canvas of your mind. They are concise yet potent expressions; seeds sown within our consciousness that bloom into reality when we say, hear or even just think them.

By harnessing the potential of affirmations, one can paint their own reality, infusing each stroke with positivity and power. Every affirmation becomes a testament to the beauty within us and our ability to shape our world.

Affirmations are deliberate sentences, designed to influence both our conscious and subconscious minds, thereby impacting our behaviors, thought patterns, habits, and even surroundings.

The language used in affirmations naturally evokes corresponding mental visuals. These images act as stimulants that invigorate and motivate us. With repetition, these affirmations and their associated imagery become imprinted on the subconscious mind. This ultimately leads to changes in our behavior, habits, actions and reactions - all aligning with the encoded words of affirmation.

How to use affirmations?

Successfully using positive affirmations involves consistency and commitment.

Begin and end your day by reciting affirmations, ideally when you wake up and before sleep.
Repeat each affirmation during a focused five-minute session or ten times in a row, articulating each phrase slowly and with confidence.

Start with one key area of improvement, persist daily, and devote yourself to this empowering practice for a minimum of 30 days to experience the transformative power of positivity.
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Unlocking Improvements:
The Power of Affirmations Across Domains

Let affirmations remodel your brain, replace negative links with positive networks, enhance your self-belief, and foster a mindset for success in all areas of life.
Affirmations will help:

Achieve your goals

Reprogramming your mindset with affirmations provides clarity and focus, helps overcome negative tendencies, strengthens motivation and cultivates positive habits that align with your goals

Attract more abundance &
Make more money

Affirmations can help attract abundance and money by instilling positive beliefs and influencing behavior towards wealth creation

Feel more happy & alive

Affirmations replace negative thoughts with positive ones, boosting your mood, inspiring optimism and making you feel happier and more vibrant

Nurture healthy relationships

Positive affirmations foster self-respect, enhance communication and understanding, and facilitate the release of past resentments, thereby cultivating healthier relationships

Release stress and anxiety

Affirmations can help manage stress and anxiety by shifting your focus from negative or worrying thoughts to positive, empowering ones, hence promoting mental tranquility and resilience

Lose weight and exercise more

Affirmations can motivate weight loss and increased exercise by fostering a positive mindset, discipline, and self-belief in achieving fitness goals

“Realize now the power that your words command if you simply choose them wisely.”

— Tony Robbins

When affirmations don’t work?

Persisting negative thoughts or limiting beliefs can reduce the effectiveness of your affirmations. To overcome this, truly embrace your affirmations and keep them prominent in your mind to ward off negativity. If certain affirmations like "I'm a millionaire" seem unrealistic due to your financial background, start with something more believable and motivational such as "Managing money is innate in me" or "Prosperity finds its way to me seamlessly".

Affirmations aren't magical but require integrating their meanings into your daily thought patterns. Old habits of complaining about life and finances will nullify the effect of even the best affirmations. So, ensure their correct usage by making them part and parcel of your thinking process.

Lastly, if you're doubtful about the impact of affirmations, monitor your thoughts to replace any negative ones with positivity immediately. This might seem difficult at first but becomes easier with practice. Always remember - You are in control!

Do affirmations carry a shadow side?

Think of the intense emotions experienced during a scary movie or stage fright. Your brain, unable to differentiate between real and imagined experiences, prepares you for perceived danger. Moreover, it primarily understands positive instructions which explains why telling yourself "don't cry" often leads to more tears as the brain picks up on "cry" rather than "don't".

Your subconscious triggers associated neural pathways upon hearing "cry" and without an alternate action to focus on, you essentially prompt yourself to cry more. This situation demonstrates how our brains process commands and highlights the potential counterproductive results of negative instructions.

Thus, it's essential to replace fear with positive affirmations in your daily routine. Remember, your brain is a creature of habit seeking clear commands in a language it can process effectively. By consistently providing such instructions, your brain is primed to help you succeed.

“May you live all the days of your life.”

— Jonathan Swift

How can you create your own affirmation properly?

Positive affirmations should adhere to specific principles to resonate with the brain's language.

1. Use present tense - Say "I am calm," not "I will be calm." The brain responds best to current state affirmations.

2. Use positive words - Avoid negatives like "don't," "can't," or "won't." Instead of "I won't worry," say "I'm always calm."

3. State affirmations as truths - Phrases like "might" and "could" are less effective than definitive words like "am" and "do". Say, “I am calm in every situation,” even if you don't fully believe it yet; your discomfort suggests it's an affirmation you need.
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“I give myself permission to be all that I can be, and I deserve the very best in life.”

— Louise Hay

The Most Popular Daily Affirmation Topics

We offer you a list of the most popular topics for daily affirmations. It will help you maintain a positive mindset and achieve success in various areas of life.

and Relationships

Affirmations related to self-love and love for others will help create harmonious and healthy relationships

and Self-esteem

Affirm your worth and believe in yourself to achieve personal growth and success

and Well-being

Use affirmations to support physical and emotional health, enabling you to live a fulfilling life

and Abundance

Affirmations aimed at attracting abundance and financial well-being will help create a flourishing life


Use affirmations to encourage learning, develop professional skills, or acquire new abilities

and Wellness

Affirmations related to joy and well-being will help you attract positive emotions and create a happy life.
My mind attracts amazing opportunities
Today is a beautiful day
I am happy and full of joy
I attract abundance and wonderful things
I am surrounded by beautiful people
Positivity shines from my being
Every moment is a fresh start
My dreams are unfolding beautifully!
The universe fulfills my desires.
Love effortlessly finds me always!
Joy overflows within me daily
Love and respect are in me
I am successful in all I do
Happiness is my default state
My confidence knows no limits
I radiate positivity always
Success gravitates towards me
. Challenges are growth opportunities
I choose peace and calmness
Today, I create miracles
My potential is infinite
Every day brings success
I am a positivity magnet
Fear is only a feeling
I deserve to be happy
I am so happy today
I am delighted to to be alive
My life is filled with joy and good energy
I am delighted to to be alive
I am getting happier and happier each and every day
I choose to be happy no matter what happens
Happiness radiates through my body
My happiness is contagious to those around me
I attract happy people into my life
I am grateful to be happy and alive right now
Living happy is my natural state of being
My mind is filled with happy thoughts
I am a happy and loving person.
A mobile affirmation app has several key advantages: 1. Accessibility: With a mobile app, your affirmations are at your fingertips anytime, anywhere. This makes it much easier to integrate the practice into your daily routine. 2. Customization: Most affirmation apps allow you to personalize your affirmations based on your individual needs and aspirations. 3. Reminders: Such apps typically have reminder features to ensure you stay consistent with your affirmation practice. Regular affirmation is crucial for optimal results. 4. Variety: An affirmation app can offer a wide range of affirmations across different categories, giving you plenty of options to choose from based on what resonates with you the most. 5. Guided Sessions: Some apps guide you through each affirmation session, which can be particularly beneficial for beginners who are unsure about how to start or structure their practice. 6. Tracking Progress: Many affirmation apps have features that allow tracking progress over time, helpful in staying motivated and dedicated to the practice. 7. Multimedia Affirmations: In addition to text-based affirmations, some apps offer audio or visual affirmations, providing an immersive and engaging experience. Remember that while an app can make the process more convenient and structured, the effectiveness of affirmations ultimately depends on your belief in them and consistency in their practice.

Get I am Daily Affirmations  now and start your journey to a happier and more confident you!

I am Daily Affirmations - your go-to app for cultivating inner peace and mindfulness through the power of affirmations.
With a variety of science-based exercises, you'll have a diverse range of tools to practice affirmations and enhance your mental and emotional well-being.

Uncover the transformative potential of affirmations and unlock a greater sense of peace and fulfillment in your life.
I am Daily Affirmations is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.
Try it for free!

Elevate Your Affirmation Practice With Our Mobile App
I am Daily Affirmations

Harness the Power of Regularity, Accessibility, and Progress Tracking in Developing Positive Habits
  • 58 times
    Increased Accessibility: Studies suggest that the average person checks their phone 58 times a day. By incorporating affirmations into a mobile app, you're ensuring that users have access to their positive mantras anytime, anywhere.
  • 66 days
    Consistency and Regularity: A study conducted by UCL found that it takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit. Using an app for affirmations can help create a daily routine, aiding in the formation of this positive habit.

  • 69%
    Tracking Progress: According to a study by Pew Research Center, 69% of U.S adults track a health metric through an app. Using an app allows users to monitor their progress and notice changes over time, creating a tangible sense of accomplishment.

“Be the change you want to see.”

— Mahatma Gandhi

Our Customers Love Us

A mobile app, made with love for you
I am Daily Affirmations

We create the best products for you, to help you become the best version of yourself

On-The-Go Access:

Our app provide anytime, anywhere access to affirmations, ensuring you can stay positive and focused regardless of your location or schedule.


You can tailor your affirmations to fit your personal goals and needs, creating a more personalized and effective experience.

Regular Reminder Notifications:

Scheduled alerts can remind you to practice your affirmations, helping to build consistency and develop new habits.
8. Social Sharing: Some apps allow you to share your favorite affirmations with friends and family, spurring a community of positive thinking. 9. Layered Learning: Many affirmation apps use techniques like spaced repetition and gamification to enhance learning and retention of the affirmations. 10. Resources: Along with affirmations, these apps often provide additional resources - like articles, podcasts, or videos on personal growth and positivity - that can support your affirmation practice. 11. Personal Space: An app can serve as a private space for your thoughts and reflections where you record how certain affirmations make you feel or how they are influencing your mindset over time. 12. Affirmation Challenges: To keep things exciting and engaging, some apps include challenges that you can undertake to level up your affirmation practice and notice transformative changes. In conclusion, a mobile affirmation app makes practicing affirmations convenient, cohesive, and enjoyable by delivering diverse features tailored for different user needs. But above all these features, remember that the essence of practicing affirmations lies in developing a positive outlook towards oneself and life through consistent reinforcement.

Progress Tracking:

Our app include features that allow you to track your progress over time, providing a tangible way to measure growth.

Community Support:

Join our Telegram channel for daily affirmations and connect with like-minded individuals for shared growth and support.

Our Offerings:

Explore our suite of supportive mental health and personal growth apps. We invite you to install and try them for free, offering a diverse range of experiences to maximize the impact of affirmations on your journey to wellbeing.

Explore Our Additional Products

Explore our suite of supportive mental health and personal growth apps. Install and try them for free, offering a diverse range of experiences to maximize the impact of affirmations on your journey to wellbeing.
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“Today’s Affirmation: I choose healthy, supportive, and nourishing reactions.”

— Brook Noel

Answers to Common Questions About Affirmations:

Is it Best to Recite Self-Affirmations Daily?
While there's no one-size-fits-all strategy for self-affirmations, psychotherapist Ronald Alexander from the Open Mind Training Institute suggests repeating affirmations three to five times a day to strengthen positive beliefs. He also recommends writing these affirmations in a journal and practicing them in front of a mirror to enhance their impact
Can Affirmations Help with Anxiety and Depression?
Positive affirmations, while not intended to replace clinical treatments for anxiety or depression, can certainly provide some beneficial effects.

The concept of using affirmations to instigate adaptive cognitive processes aligns with the principle of cognitive restructuring. A study involving cancer patients indicated a significant positive correlation between spontaneous self-affirmation and feelings of hopefulness, reinforcing the potential therapeutic benefits of affirmations. However, they should be used as a complement to professional medical care, not as a replacement.
Can Affirmations Enhance Self-Esteem?
Self-affirmations can be beneficial in enhancing your self-esteem, but there's a catch.

According to the self-affirmation theory, it is crucial that your affirmations resonate with your fundamental personal values (Cohen & Sherman, 2014). Repeating arbitrary affirmations that don't align with your beliefs or moral compass is futile.

For self-affirmations to contribute positively to your self-esteem, they must be positive and directed towards actions that strengthen your self-identity. Focus on leveraging your genuine strengths or those you deem valuable for creating these affirmations.
Is It Possible To Enhance Sleep Through Affirmations?
A significant amount of people who suffer from anxiety also struggle with sleep disruption (Staner, 2003). Given that affirmations can occasionally assist in calming anxiety, they might also influence sleep positively.

Incorporating affirmations into your meditation practice could induce relaxation and tranquility. Research indicates that meditation has considerable benefits for sleep quality, therefore incorporating positive affirmations could be an effective approach to foster better sleep (Nagendra et al., 2012).

If you're keen to explore this, you will find some beneficial audio and video resources below.
Are Affirmation Merely Positive Mantras?
If you delve into academic literature, you'll find the terms "affirmation" and "mantra" often used interchangeably. But technically, mantras are sacred words or sounds with spiritual meaning, often used in meditation for their profound significance (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2019). Contrarily, positive affirmations, as defined by the Psychology Dictionary, are brief phrases frequently repeated to encourage positive feelings and attitudes without any traditional religious connotation.

“I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I really was the greatest.”

— Muhammad Ali
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